Bay CrossingsReader of the Month


Name: Joe Nathan

Profession: Professional Baseball Player (Pitcher)

Ferry Commuter: No

People Would be Surprised if they Knew: What you see is what you get!

If I had a free day I would spend it: On the golf course.

My Proudest Moment Was: First day with Giants after getting called up from

the minors - April 21, 1999.

How I would like to Be remembered: I’m too young to answer that question.

Pet Peeve: Being cut in front of - in line or while driving.

My Motto: "Not yet."

Hobbies: Golf, movies, reading (mysteries and science fiction)

Favorite Book: Harlen Coben mysteries

Favorite Film: Goodfellas

If I could change one thing about myself it would be: Not to ever get injured

If I could invite four people to dinner - living or dead - they would be: Jesus, Frank Sinatra, Babe Ruth, Princess Diana

If I could play a song from the top of the Ferry Building - what would it be? My Way