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Letters to the Editor
National Clean Boating Event/Grand Opening of Hyde Street Fishing Harbor
Reader of the Month
Working Waterfront
Bar Pilots Christen New Boats
Waterfront Organ
Fruitvale: an Estuary Runs By It 
Ferry to Sacramento
Bill Coolidge’s Bay Journal
Final WTA Board Member
Historic Land and Sea Artillery Battle on Angel Island
Ask Dr. MOM
Steve Geller's Bus Rider's Journal
Master Mariners Announce Upcoming Events
Public Invited to Submit Names for New Alameda Ferry Boat


Birds-eye lithograph of Oakland, 1893. Bridges at Webster Street and Alice Street span the estuary identified here as "Oakland Harbor". .Courtesy of the Oakland History Room, Oakland Public Library

A few crossed the bay in whaleboats and settled in what is now Oakland. Others arrived at the same destination by driving around by the way of San Jose.

Among the first was Moses Chase, a sea captain who squatted near what is now Thirteenth Avenue. He gained his livings by fishing in San Antonio Creek (the estuary) and hunting in the Contra Costa hills. He was about to return to San Francisco when the three Patten brothers, Robert, William and Edward of sturdy Maine stock. landed their rowboat where Twelfth Street now borders on Lake Merritt.

They found Chase ill in his cabin and eloquent in his pleadings to be taken back to San Francisco. The Pattens, after reconnoitering the surrounding country, decided to stay and invited Chase to do likewise. This he agreed to do. They leased a large area from Peralta and commenced extensive lumbering operations.

Soon after the arrival of the Patten brothers came Adams, Moon and Carpentier, but it was not their purpose to engage in the arduous labor of felling trees or runninig whipsaws. Adams had been to the gold fields and had met with some success. The other two were also provided with capital, and it was their plan to add to their fortune by acquiring and developing real estate.

Carpentier, the leader but perhaps not the richest of the three, had made the acquaintance of Senator David C. Broderick, early San Francisco capitalist and politician. Their friendship grew and through Broderick’s influence, Carpentier was appointed enrolling clerk in the State Legislature at Benicia.

The appointment proved advantageous for the group. It put them in close contact with the political and financial leaders of the day, smoothing the way for the asking and receiving of favors from the law makers.

The Patten brothers were not the first to see the possibilities of lumbering in this district that is now Oakland. That honor seems to go to a man whose name has been lost in the musty annals of time and is now known only as "The Frenchman".

The Frenchman and his crew, however contented themselves with hand tools, cutting the logs into planks with a whipsaw and drawing shingles with a hand knife. The Patten’s installed power saws and established the first lumber manufacturing company here on anything like a modern industrial basis. They were followed by others and by 1850, there were six saw mills operating in the timber nearby. This lumber was hauled to the old Peralta embarcadero in the Brooklyn basin.

Evidently no one had thought of establishing a town on the west side of the bay until Adams, Moon and Carpentier arrived. It is hard to believe they visualized a great metropolis rising as the results of their activities regardless of what they may have told those to whom they wished to sell real estate; but the fact remains that they were the first to see the advantages of organizing a community on a permanent basis. They had also the political and physical ability to develop business and commerce in an orderly manner.

Their first move in this direction was simple and direct. They each filed claim to a section of waterfront land, (land that was claimed by Peralta). Adams occupied the 160 acres lying on both sides of what is now Broadway, and his partners claimed l60 acres on either side of him.

This will seem audacious when it is remembered that Don Luis Peralta acquired title to the land in question by about the same procedure. A Spanish mariner had seen it and had claimed it for the King of Spain. The King had handed it to the Don and none had given any consideration to the Indians who had inhabited it originally and thought it belonged to them.

However, Don Luis Peralta proved less tractable than the Indians. While the gringos were contented to remain squatters they were beneath his notice, but when they began claiming his acres, Sacre Dios! That was quite another matter. And to make it even worse they proceeded in a way which was particularly irksome to the open-handed Spaniard.

When the Peraltas received their grant from the King they were content with generalities. The boundaries of their holdings were described as beginning from the mouth of the creek, running easterly to some prominent mountain peak. thence along the ridge to some other natural monument and back to the sea again.

The appropriation of land by Adams, Moon and Carpentier on the other hand. was so careful and exact that it must have seemed picayunish to the Spaniard. They proceeded to survey their claims and measured them foot-by-foot. They set up stakes and stone monuments, which in effect said to Senor Peralta that he might claim the rest of the world if he wished. but at these new lines his rights ceased.

This move and others which soon followed have caused real estate holders and the city to spend many years and many dollars straightening out property titles, sometimes as the result of Don Luis Peralta’s indifference to accurate description and sometimes because of the Yankee love for detail, while not infrequently the cause of the trouble has been a curious combination of the two.

Nor were the differences always cured in the decorous atmosphere of the court room. There is a tale about how the fiery Don Luis gathered several score of vaqueros about him. All were heavily armed and in the mood for fighting. With the Alcalde at their head, they rode to the little settlement on the mud flats where they were met by Edson Adams, apparently alone.

Adams carried a rifle in the hollow of his arm but showed no disposition to use it. His peaceful attitude was explained somewhat when he informed the visitors that the other residents of the camp had gone to San Francisco. It seemed. Adams was in a difficult position and a great deal of earnest talking was necessary to avert trouble. He talked long and pleadingly as became a man in his predicament. Finally the Alcalde wheeled on his horse and the cavalcade departed, not satisfied. perhaps. but in peace.

The decision was a wise one but the Spaniards did not realize how deep was their wisdom until some time later. For in time they learned that while Adams was doing his best pleading each vaquero was covered by a rifle down which the eye of a squatter or logger squinted, ready to defend the rights of the gringos as they saw them.

On another occasion Moon and some two hundred residents of the little town rode up to the Peralta hacienda near what is now the Fruitvale district and informed the Alcalde that they had come to "reason" with him. Don Luis and his vaqueros seemed to have the stronger "argument" this time however and the visitors returned to their homes to await a more propitious occasion.

But. as previously suggested. the day of the Dons was passing. A change was taking place. It was one of those changes which perhaps cannot be justified by any of the ordinary rules of equity but which is periodically inevitable and eventually is adjudged fair in the light of results.

The United States government was not more than mildly interested in Don Peralta’s troubles. The three original homesteaders were tenacious in advancing their claims and skilled in prosecuting them.

Perhaps it was due as much to sheer weariness as to the actual legal defeat but whatever the real reason, the Peralta opposition gradually became less potent and the three young men, Adams, Moon and Carpentier, emerged from the fight as the owners of three-quarters of a section of land on which a city was to be built.

Next month: The Town of Oakland is born