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Letters to the Editor
National Clean Boating Event/Grand Opening of Hyde Street Fishing Harbor
Reader of the Month
Working Waterfront
Bar Pilots Christen New Boats
Waterfront Organ
Fruitvale: an Estuary Runs By It 
Ferry to Sacramento
Bill Coolidge’s Bay Journal
Final WTA Board Member
Historic Land and Sea Artillery Battle on Angel Island
Ask Dr. MOM
Steve Geller's Bus Rider's Journal
Master Mariners Announce Upcoming Events
Public Invited to Submit Names for New Alameda Ferry Boat


Union Point Park Set for Fall

Community Dynamos Create Splendid Waterfront Park



The team behind the new Union Point Park: Garlen Capita (left) of the Trust for Public Lands, Marsha Murrington, Deputy Executive Director of coordinating agency, Fruitvale’s Unity Council (center), Rita Torres-González, point person for the Unity Council (right), Steve Hanson for the Port of Oakland (rear)

Architect’s rendering of what the new park will look like. Construction starts this Fall.