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From Ocean and Scenic: Ask a Question or Two


Ask a Question or Two

By John Bollinger

According to a June 20th, New Post Story titled “Ferries $inking Fast”, the new ferry services started in April and May into and around Manhattan have been a woof. The story states that despite the $5 million that was given to New York Waterway through The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, there has only been an increase of about 750 to 1,100 riders a day. To point it more directly, $4,545.00 per rider.

According to the Post story, New York Waterway has billed the PA $5.3 million for the first two months of increased service and the agreement covers all operating costs and includes a guaranteed profit for the company.

Despite this, New York Waterway has cancelled the free shuttle between the World Financial Center and Pier 11 at Wall Street and many runs between Hoboken and Manhattan.

Though you would expect this editor (as I did) to laud the increase in services, there is one pointed question that needs to be asked. Please trust that there are many others, but I will limit my question to this one for the moment. Did anyone at New York Waterway, The PA or FEMA bother to find out what services and locations the people of New York and New Jersey needed to improve their hellish commute into Manhattan?

Finding out what customers need is a basic of business and government, yet my guess is that not even one questionnaire was given out at any of the major terminals in Manhattan. No, I’m not suggesting a $100,000.00 retainer for a national research company sort of study. Just hire twenty college students to take a one page survey to Grand Central, Penn Station, the ferry terminals and maybe even pass out a few at the toll booths at the tunnel and bridges. $10 to 20 thousand dollars to actually get more people using ferries.

Those of you who are reading this and regularly use ferries into Manhattan should call, write or email the above organizations and tell them where new ferry services should be started. Tell them that they need a service out of Elizabeth or the Rockaways or Perth Amboy or where ever. Let them know that even though we are 10 months past 9/11 that the $5 million should be used constructively rather than frittered away.