November 04

The Hungry Gourmet
Peninsula Section
Golden Gate Ferry Terminals Receive Security Enhancements
Golden Gate Ferry Joins Coast Guard And Local Law Enforcement To Initiate New Ferry “Ride Along” Program.
BCDC Socks It to Violator
California History On-Line
Marin Group Sierra Club Events
Ferry Around the Bay for the Holidays
Waterfront Living: Alameda’s Bayport
How to Get Good Mileage in a Hybrid?
Water Transit Authority Gets Only Bay Area EPA Grant for Clean Diesel Project
511 Driving TimesExpands Coverage Area,Adds S.F., Peninsula, North Bay Routes
Fleet Week Raises More Questions Than Answers
WTA Pages
Will The Walls Came Tumbiling Down?
Vallejo Ferry Chief Dismissed
On the Cover
Bay Crossings Bacchanal
Bay Crossings Cuisine



Bay CrossingsBacchanal

The extended Bay Crossings family, including those who toil at both our newspaper and in our Ferry Building retail store along with those who love and tolerate them, got together at San Francisco’s Butterfly restaurant at Pier 33 for no good reason whatsoever. The forensic evidence follow.

Bobby Winston, proprietor of Bay Crossings, with Peninsula Editor Sam Tolmasoff.   Marketing Manager Steve Swan with his beautiful bride Editor-at-Large Mary Swift.   Carl Nolte, dean of San Francisco Chronicle writers, the only reason many of us ever bother to pick up that portentous rag, and peerless chronicler of his beloved San Francisco Bay waterfront, cavorts with Zannah Noe, artist and Bay Crossings columnist.
The young set at Bay Crossings; Mei Jardstrom, Alex Chin and Bay Crossings’ man about everything Robert Wagner.       Dino Vasquez, partner in and sous chef of Butterfly at Pier 33.
Accountant Lilette Uriarte and Bay Crossings editor Graham Claytor.       The super-efficient staffer Ms. Tonya Rose Newstetter with Josh Downer.
Susie Elkind, our all-patient, relentless yet forgiving proofreader, editor Graham Claytor and artist, con and visual, Cindy Salans Rosenheim.   Staffer Paul Redman deep in thought with KPIX Channel 5 news chief Dan Rosenheim.