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Bay Crossings Gets a Home 
Letters to the Editor 
Cover Story: Checkin’ Out the Oakland/Alameda Estuary 
Headed Out 
Reader of the Month 
Working Waterfront 
Bay Crossings Environment: Sharks First!
Riders of the Tides 
Late Night Ferry Returns 
Pittsburg: A Jewel in the Delta
PortFest: Port of Oakland Lets its Hair Down
A Picaresque History of the Port of Oakland
Harbor Bay Honcho
Jack London Aquatics
Ferry Building Update
Ferry Terminal Set to Open
New Port Engineer (and what a spicy history the job has)
Hyde Street Harbor
You Can Call Me Al
Bill Coolidges’ Journal
Bay Area Bids Adieu to Madro

Port of Oakland boss Chuck Foster


The Bay Crossings set-up.  Our clothes are dirty but our hands our clean.

The San Francisco Chronicle set-up.  All day long Dave had a line of people at his booth.  He was constantly calling out to people and drawing them in.  The pro shows how it’s done.


 And they were just getting warmed up.

Gerald Mack, IBU member and employee of the Red and White Fleet, welcoming riders aboard a Harbor Cruise.




Girl on pony.



Best hat of the day