On the Cover
Letters to the Editor
Port of Call: Mayotte, Comoros Islands
Bay Crossings Journal
Transportation Summit Slated for Bay Area
Cheers to the Tiburon Wine Festival!
Libations: Champagne Taste, Elegant and Affordable Mumm Napa Valley
Summer Fun
Set Sail for an Island on the Summer Sailstic
Concerts at the Cove Celebrates Alameda’s West End
San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park Activities and Programs for June 20
Mother Teresa With Soul
Taste of Oakland - Sumptuous Success
Learning Day and Night
Bay Crossings Cuisine: Forbes Island Coriander
A Day in the Life of a Harried Legislative Policy Analyst
Waterfront Living: Lifestyle at the Towers
The Deck is Readied Admiral Horatio!
Wylie Cat Ketch to Track Whales
The Last Whaling Station
Working Waterfront
Bay Crossings Boating Calendar
Master Mariners Upcoming Events
WTA Report: Ferries to the Rescue
Ferry Operations When the Economy Turns Sour
The Liberty Ship that Could, Can and Will


The Odyssey on the Way to Comprehensive Regional Ferry Service Continues

A Day in the Life of a Harried Legislative Policy Analyst

Zealot readers of Bay Crossings will recall our story detailing the bizarre way funding for the Water Transit Authority came to be ("Sausaged," October 2000). The ordeal continues as plans for a comprehensive regional ferry system continue to wend a tortured path through the Alice in Wonderland-like California political process.

Next up: Hearings on a bill that Senator Don Perata has proposed that would raise bridge tolls and use the proceeds to fund a wide array of public transit projects, including expanded ferry service. Ezra Rapport works for Senator Perata as a policy analyst on Bay Area transportation issues. He’s the point person on this hot issue, which is of fierce interest to many transit agencies.

We asked Mr. Rapport if we could follow him around for a day when he went to the state capitol in Sacramento to attend hearings on the bill. Beyond our parochial interest in how plans for ferry funding fared, we wanted to learn about the personal emotional toll this process takes on someone like Mr. Rapport. To scientifically measure the pressure Rapport would experience, we fitted him out with a heart-rate monitor, the kind one uses in an exercise program. Behold, the majesty of democracy in action.
Ezra departs on the Amtrak Capitol Corridor, en route to Sacramento for staff meetings and a hearing before the Senate Transportation Committee concerning Senator Don Perata’s proposal to raise Bay Area bridge tolls to $3 by way of funding public transit programs, including, in part, expanded ferry service. 8:10AM


Reading from Of Walking Beams and Paddle Wheels, the definitive history of Bay Area ferries as well as the train system that connected with them. It seems to have a calming effect.






Others may be impressed by the imposing State Capitol Building, but not old pro Ezra, who is unfazed as he arrives for staff meetings to discuss the day’s plans and arrangements.


Trouble ahead. Ezra confers with Senator Perata’s Legislative Director, whiz-kid Gareth Elliott. Just 32 years old, Elliott coordinates Perata’s powerhouse political operation. He and Ezra go over a story in that morning’s Oakland Tribune detailing problems with the Bay Bridge retrofit that may mean huge overruns. They worry that the Chairperson of the Senate Transportation Committee, Senator Kevin Murray of Los Angeles, will want to use the bridge toll increase that Perata wants reserved for public transit to, at least in part, cover Bay Bridge retrofit overruns. Senator Perata is advised of the problem.


Ezra waits outside Political Director Elliott’s office while Senator Perata mulls the Senator Murray problem. Lobbyists flock to him and the familiar experience seems to calm him down.

Close at hand: a directory of lobbyists.

Ezra gets REALLY jumpy at the arrival of Assemblyman John Dutra, Chairperson of the Assembly Transportation Committee. Dutra has come to parley with Perata about the bridge toll bill. His acquiescence is essential for the bill to have any hope of passage.
Problem solved, and Ezra’s heart rate jumps, presumably with relief, as Senator Perata emerges from his inner sanctum to announce that he and Senator Murray are in accord.


Even insiders have to wait in the security check line. Ezra is stymied as he hurries to the committee meeting at which his boss, Senator Don Perata, will make the pitch for the bridge toll plan Ezra has helped to craft.



It’s over quickly and soon Ezra is in the corridor outside the hearing room catching his breath. The Committee has already moved onto a bill having to do with motorcycle helmet laws, heavily attended by leather-wearing bikers.


Ezra’s heart rate hits the red zone as he sits aside Senator Perata under the steely gaze of Senate Transportation Committee Chairman Kevin Murray. But proving the adage that meetings are held to ratify decisions already held, the proceeding has a rote quality. Even the rabidly anti-tax Republicans on the panel make only half-heartedly derisive comments and Perata’s bill passes handily.

Headed for the showers. Ezra heads down the Capitol staircase on his way back to the train station.
Philosophical Ezra. Ezra consults the muses to get to the meaning of it all as the Amtrak Capitol Corridor returns him to the Bay Area. 2:20AM
