On the Cover
Letters to the Editor
Port of Call: Mayotte, Comoros Islands
Bay Crossings Journal
Transportation Summit Slated for Bay Area
Cheers to the Tiburon Wine Festival!
Libations: Champagne Taste, Elegant and Affordable Mumm Napa Valley
Summer Fun
Set Sail for an Island on the Summer Sailstic
Concerts at the Cove Celebrates Alameda’s West End
San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park Activities and Programs for June 20
Mother Teresa With Soul
Taste of Oakland - Sumptuous Success
Learning Day and Night
Bay Crossings Cuisine: Forbes Island Coriander
A Day in the Life of a Harried Legislative Policy Analyst
Waterfront Living: Lifestyle at the Towers
The Deck is Readied Admiral Horatio!
Wylie Cat Ketch to Track Whales
The Last Whaling Station
Working Waterfront
Bay Crossings Boating Calendar
Master Mariners Upcoming Events
WTA Report: Ferries to the Rescue
Ferry Operations When the Economy Turns Sour
The Liberty Ship that Could, Can and Will


Cheers to the Tiburon Wine Festival!

By Mary Swift-Swan

The Tiburon Wine Festival held on May 17, 2003 has mellowed and matured like a fine wine. It couldn’t miss as a successful event when a fabulous group of vintners and wine merchants, representing 50 of the best wines grown in California, plus a few great beers and excellent food provided by local restaurants combined with a beautiful day. For a modest price, hundreds meandered from booth to booth keeping their glasses full. The water booth was the first to empty all their contents--all that bread and cheese, wine, and sunshine made people thirsty. Some took a break to enjoy the Peruvian pipes by relaxing on Tiburon Plaza’s lawn across from the Tiburon ferry docks. Others piled into the Windsor tasting room after the festival for more good cheer. Be sure to put the Tiburon Wine Festival on your calendar for next year.