Summertime, and the waterfront
living is wacky good fun. The Bay is open and there are fun things
to do and see all over and around the region. Editor-at-Large Mary
Swift shows you the many ways to make the most of the abounding
opportunities for waterside play.
an enormous budget shortfall, the Golden Gate Bridge District is enduring
the fiscal equivalent of the Perils of Pauline. Painful cuts loom and
there are no sacred cows, not even the beloved Golden Gate Ferry. Senior
Editor Wes Starratt interviews the District’s Executive Director, Celia
Kupersmith, to get an idea of what to expect.
Bay Crossings
follows a harried legislative policy analyst as legislation making
possible comprehensive regional ferry service wends its torturous
way through the Byzantine Sacramento system.
The SS Jeremiah O’Brien
bills itself a "living memorial" to the stirring story of
the all-important role played by Liberty Ships and their crews in
World War II. A remarkable network of volunteers got the inspiration
to lovingly restore the O’Brien and stayed together to maintain
the doughty D-Day survivor. In the proud tradition of the workhouse
Liberty Ships, the volunteers have put the O’Brien to work
to earn her keep. They offer hugely popular mini-cruises around San
Francisco Bay. Next up: the Delta to Sacramento. Get your tickets
while you can.