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Summer Sailstice Hopes to Double Numbers

Summer Sailstice has been recognized as one of the Year’s Best Fun Sailing Events. National sailing magazines now place it in the company of the United States Sailboat Show in Annapolis, the Baja Ha-Ha fun cruiser’s rally from San Diego to Cabo San Lucas, and the Port Townsend Wooden Boat Festival. “It is more about fun than fast,” says founder John Arndt of the San Francisco Bay Area. “Summer Sailstice is a sailing event where old friends reunite and new friendships are formed. The date is June 20th. The format is to just go sailing on the longest day of the year and have fun and maybe win some cool prizes.”

“Summer Sailstice sailing holiday encourages every club or organization that can form their own rally, race, party, or picnic afloat to do so,” John continued. “This year, the Summer Sailstice team is hoping to see an increase of more than double last year’s signups of 1,400 individual sailors as participants out on their own or someone else’s boats on June 20th. Most of the San Francisco Bay Area sailing schools and yacht clubs have an event that encourages members and those interested in sailing to participate.”

This is how it works. Once a sailing plan is made, each participant is encouraged to register at the web site Those who register may receive prizes. The prizes are an additional means to encourage as many people as possible to invite a few friends or join with others who have, or can rent, boats to get the boats out of their slips and sailing. It is designed and managed to acquaint newcomers and revitalize old salts in the love of sailing.

The prizes this year have really become worthy of notice. Grand Prizes include a one-week charter in the British Virgin Islands, made available by The Moorings, now celebrating their 35th anniversary; a Hunter Xcite sailing dinghy; and a $500 shopping spree at West Marine boating supply stores. Over 100 other prizes, courtesy of sailing businesses, are available for winners awarded by random drawing from the names of all the registered participants. Many who have participated in the past have not registered but in 2004 it will be worth the few minutes to check in. For more information on the prizes and to sign up for the 2004 Summer Sailstice, go to

Founded in 2001 by John Arndt and Michelle Slade, Summer Sailstice is a global holiday celebrating the fun of sailing annually. The event has grown each year due to the Internet and prizes supplied by the marine industry. Founder John Arndt works Latitude 38, and can be contacted at (415) 412-6961 or