David Clark, Deputy General Manager, Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District and manager of the Districts’ Golden Gate Ferry Division, passed away as this issue of Bay Crossings was going to press.

Published: May, 2003
David Clark was kind, always a helpful and patient friend and beloved by all sides in the maritime community, including the writers and editors of this publication. He will be deeply missed.
There was never a time when we were writing about Golden Gate Ferries or about anything related to ferries and ferry operations that we couldn’t count on David to answer our questions and provide explanations on even the most complex subjects.
Everywhere the topic of ferries is discussed the name David Clark comes up. In addition to running the Golden Gate Ferry Division, queen of the San Francisco Bay ferry fleet, he served on the Board of Directors of the national association of passenger vessel owners, the Passenger Vessel Association, most recently as vice president, He was a charter member of the High Speed Commercial Craft Safety Board of New York City and the Long Island Sound High Speed Ferry Safety Task Force. In addition, he was co-chairman of a joint US Coast Guard/Industry Natural Working Group that was formed to refine regulatory and industry strategies for the increased speeds of future ferries. Before joining the Golden Gate Bridge District, David served as Vice President of Hornblower Marine Services in New London, Connecticut, providing high-speed ferry service on the East Coast.
It was only last October, when he returned from a four-month bout fighting cancer, that we interviewed him for an article for this magazine. We said to him, We are delighted to see you back after four long months in the hands of the medical establishment. How does it feel to be back? To which David responded optimistically, Fortunately, I am feeling very strong and eager to get back into the fray and participate in the ongoing operation and future development of ferry services … not only the Golden Gate Ferries, but also the regional ferry plan. And, I look forward to working in cooperation with the Water Transit Authority in whatever final form the initiative takes to coordinate our system with theirs, as well as with other operations in the Bay Area, to provide better service to the public.
Celia Kupersmith, General Manager of the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway & Transportation District comments, His enthusiasm for the Ferry Division, his love of the customers riding our ferries, and his commitment to the future of ferry transportation was unparalleled. He will be deeply missed by all who knew him.
And that includes the writers and editors of Bay Crossings. David will remain in our thoughts every time we see a ferry on the Bay. And someday before long, we hope to see one graced with the proud name, MV David Clark