They're off to the races, again!

Mid Winter Sailing Season Begins

Published: November, 2002

Mid Winter Sailing Season Begins

Recreation racing schedule
Nov 2-9 - Bitter End Pro-Am Regatta
Nov 2 - Golden Gate #1of 4 Fall-
Winter 1st Sat of each mo.
Nov 2 - Jack & Jill plus 1 Race Island YC,
(510) 521-2980
Nov 2 - Midwinter series South Beach YC
at Pier 40, SF
Nov 3 - Midwinter series Berkeley Chowder
fun race, BYC
Nov 3 - Midwinter series Sausalito #1, SYC
Nov 9/10 - Midwinter series Berkeley
multi-fleet, BYC
Nov 9 - Fall Series Benicia, BYC
Nov 16/17 - Pre-Holiday Regatta San Francisco YC, Belvedere
Nov 16/17 - Big Game Regatta Sequoia YC
Nov 16 - Small Boat Midwinter #1
Coyote Point YC
Nov 17 - Jack Frost Midwinter #1,
Encinal meet-Treasure Island
Nov 23 - Midwinter series #1 Sequoia
YC, Redwood City
Nov 24 - Midwinter series Berkeley
Chowder fun race, BYC
Nov 30 - Fall series Benicia YC
Scholastic Options
Oct-Mar - Youth small boat classes at Richmond YC Sundays 9-3pm (925)672-8954
Sept-Dec - Teen Interscholastic sailing Fall Season
Sept-Dec - College Fall Season

If you see a group of boats chasing each other around they are probably racing. Definition of a sail boat race: two sailboats going in remotely the same direction. Above are some of the groups you may see out there. If you know how to sail and want to join the fun, call one of the above clubs. Club contact information for is available at When you reach a club that has a race of interest, ask the head of the race committee about hitching a ride. They do their best. It's a better club image than having a desperate skipper Shanghai an innocent passerby.