Vincent Atos has an easy answer for what has kept him on the water as a Blue & Gold Fleet deckhand for almost a decade: "Look at the office," he said as he gazed at the water on a gorgeous day.

Lead Deckhand Vincent Atos aboard Blue & Gold Fleet’s ferry Monarch on the Sausalito run. Photo by Matt Larson
By Matt Larson
Published: July, 2013
Vincent Atos has an easy answer for what has kept him on the water as a Blue & Gold Fleet deckhand for almost a decade: "Look at the office," he said as he gazed at the water on a gorgeous day.
"I enjoy my work," Atos said. "I don’t dread coming to work every day. I come to work enjoying it." Indeed, it’s not too dreadful imagining the open water amidst iconic bridges and skyscrapers all around you as you earn your paycheck. It’s nothing new for Atos, but he still looks forward to it every morning. "It’s a nice job, it’s great," he said. "I’ve always liked being outdoors. I’ve never worked in an office—no cubicle for me."
We may forget to notice the beauty of the Bay from time to time on our daily commutes, but Atos takes full advantage of working right there on the water. "I take a lot of great pictures on the Bay," he said. "It’s an inspiration to be here."
Atos, now with the title of lead deckhand, believes that the Sausalito ferry route is probably the most picturesque of them all, especially because of the chance to see the Golden Gate Bridge so clearly. "From Sausalito you get to see the Golden Gate Bridge, the changes in weather, the clouds—it’s dramatic, especially when the clouds come in." Atos encounters some pretty amazing photo opportunities on a regular basis and, with his Nikon on board, he seizes as many of them as he can.
"Taking pictures is a very creative outlet for me," said Atos. "It gives me peace of mind." He does do some professional wedding photography, but it’s usually just a hobby of his. With a daily front row seat of the Bay it’s pretty hard to resist capturing the seascape on a regular basis. Fortunately Atos always has his smartphone with him and posts to Instagram all the time—he invites you to check out his profile: @vincefoto. "Most of my pictures on Instagram are from work," he said. "Over the years I’ve taken a lot of Bay pictures; maybe some day I’ll put them into a book."
Originally from Baguio City in the Philippines, Atos now lives in the Sunset District of San Francisco with his wife. He came to the United States in 1999. "I was just looking for adventure; a change," he said. "And I stayed!"
About three times a week he and his wife attend a 90-minute Bikram yoga session. "It’s hot yoga—110 degrees—you’re in your own world for an hour and a half without being disturbed by technology," said Atos. "The hardest part of that is actually just waking up at 5:30 in the morning and driving to the yoga studio. After that you feel great and look forward to the day." He and his wife have been practicing this for over 10 years now. "It makes you feel much more relaxed."
Currently some of Atos’ photography work can be seen at Pearl Gallery on Irving Street in San Francisco. "It’s mostly seascapes and work pictures," he said. "It’s been there for two years." And when asked what his favorite thing to photograph is when he’s out on the Bay, he said, "The Golden Gate Bridge. I never get tired of taking pictures of it."
Aside from the breathtaking views traveling to and from the city on a Blue & Gold ferry, according to Atos, it is that general ease of travel that makes the ferry the best mode of transporting to San Francisco. "The ferry is more relaxing," he said. "Have a drink, take a nap, take a photo, sit and enjoy the weather."