The Port of Oakland endured a purgatory of environmental reviews before being permitted to undertake dredging necessary to retain its status as a major port. It took years, cost millions, and thoroughly convinced the Port of the need to be ahead of the environmental curve. Here, examples of the Port of Oakland’s environmental activisim.
The Green Design of Oakland International Airport’s Terminal 2 Project aims to improve occupant well being, environmental performance, and economic returns of buildings using established and innovative practices, standards, and technologies.
Published: April, 2004
The Port of Oakland endured a purgatory of environmental reviews before being permitted to undertake dredging necessary to retain its status as a major port. It took years, cost millions, and thoroughly convinced the Port of the need to be ahead of the environmental curve. Here, examples of the Port of Oakland’s environmental activisim.
Through a Port grant, Oscar Niemeth Towing Inc. purchased state-of-the-art, cleaner-burning main engines for its tugboat, the Silver Eagle.
To eliminate dredging-related diesel emissions, the Port installed electric connections to power electric dredges used to construct Berths 55-59 and for use in the –50 foot channel deepening project of Oakland Harbor.