ArchivesNovember 2000 Meet the WTA!The new San Francisco Bay Water Transit Authority has its first meeting in late November or early December to plan the future of expanded Bay Area ferry service. Meet the decision makers. More... Bay Crossings NewsmakerRussell Long has been a thorn in the side, or as he would prefer, prick to the conscience, of ferry system planner for quite a while, developing a national reputation as a maritime environmental activist in the process. More... The Little Ferry Company that CouldBay Crossings sits down with Maggie McDonough, owner/proprietor of the Angel Island Ferry More... Bay CrossingsReader of the MonthPROFESSION: California State Legislature, Assembly Majority Leader More... Man in the Middle Will Travis, Executive Director Bay Conservation and Development CommissionThe Bay Conservation and Development Commission": sounds like being a little bit pregnant. How can one Agency simultaneously promote conservation and development? More... Bay CrossingsLiteratureEdna St. Vincent Millay Rides the Staten Island Ferry More... ENGINEERS HONORED BY MARINE SOCIETY FOR WAKE WASH INVESTIGATIONENGINEERS HONORED BY MARINE SOCIETY FOR WAKE WASH INVESTIGATION More... |