
March 2005

Suspect Seismic Safety

Are we prepared for another earthquake? Are City officials doing as much as possible to prevent damage to buildings and loss of life? Senior Editor Wes Starratt looks into the matter and reports disquieting news. More...

Tall Ships Unearthed

Special to Bay Crossings, author and maritime historian Steve Priske tells the story of how he unearthed a trove of lost photos detailing the West Coast’s proud – and heretofore little to unknown – history of clipper ships, pride of the age of sail. More...

WTA Looks South

The Water Transit Authority is picking up steam and turning its bold and dynamic agenda for a comprehensive regional ferry southwards, towards the Peninsula. This month’s WTA pages detail exciting plans for South San Francisco and Brisbane. More...

Bay Crossings Editorial

Coddle Costco, Screw the Truckers & Consequences be Damned City of Oakland Puts Head in the Sand on Urgent Environmental and Economic Matter More...

Port of Oakland, Its Employees, and Business Partners Respond to the Tsunami Disaster

In response to perhaps the greatest human catastrophe of our time, the Port of Oakland launched a Tsunami Relief Matching-contribution Campaign,” said Patricia A. Scates, president of the Oakland Board of Port Commissioners. Within 30 days from the start of the campaign, Port of Oakland employees donated a total of $22,013 to various tsunami relief charities. More...

Port of Oakland Receives Key Presidential Support for -50 Foot Dredging Project

President’s FY05-06 Budget Recommends $48 Million for Channel Deepening Efforts More...

Port of Oakland Launches Truck Repowering Project

Initial Phase Begins Another Component of Maritime Air Quality Mitigation Program The Port of Oakland has launched a program designed to cut emissions from trucks that operate at Port of Oakland Maritime facilities. More...

Embarcadero Bicycle Facility Opens

Safe Bike Parking Finally Available Foot of Market Area–even Maintennance! More...

Port of San Francisco Hosts Cruise Symposium

Effort to Increase Cruise Business Seen as a Boon to City’s Visitor Industry More...

Alameda’s Westside Renaissance

Alameda’s Westside is undergoing a renaissance. Commercial space is filling fast as business owners and residents of the Westside seek to reinvent the look and sense of community in this energized part of Alameda. More...

Bay Crossings Cuisine

The New Zealander’s Pavlova More...

Bay Crossings Working Waterfront

Say Hello to Hello Wines More...

Libations BEER

By Dianne Boate and Robert Meyer We have talked off and on about writing about beer. But when it comes down to doing it, the size and scope of the subject is formidable. It has been around a long, long time and almost every country in the world makes it. Line up ten people about their favorite beer and you will get ten answers, all of them right! Listening to beer commercials can make you dizzy. So this month we posed a question to our Informal Panel of Friends, mostly rabid wine drinkers, to see what they have to say. More...

By the Ways

Ever watched steaming oak ribs inserted into the spine of an old wooden boat? Or witnessed the pouring of molten bronze into a sand mold? These are just a few of the traditional processes that are employed by the skilled shipwrights here on the Sausalito waterfront. But there is more to it than I am telling. More...

b.a.y. fund is Red Hot

The Red Hot Ball on Friday, February 25, was a first-class hit in its fourth year, raising more than $40,000 to benefit the children of the b.a.y. fund, as well as their summer enrichment program. The Red Hot Hip Hop, which occurred two hours prior to the ball, allowed the children of b.a.y. More...

Limits for No Limit

Liquid gold of San Francisco Bay has turned to silver, but the fleets come back for more. More...

Bay Crossings Calendar

Mar 1-31 Spirits Soar at the Alameda Marketplace Starting with First Friday and running through the month of March, enjoy “Shared Spirits” at the Alameda Marketplace, featuring artist Barbara Davis. More...