ArchivesFebruary 2001 WTA NEWSThe San Francisco Bay Water Transit Authority (SFBWTA) met for the first time Wednesday, December 6 to begin work planning a comprehensive regional ferry system. Here is the statement President Charlene Johnson read to inaugurate the meeting, along with some pictures of the meeting and the party that followed, sponsored by Bay Crossings. More... History, Beauty & Opportunity of SaltThe salt ponds have much to offer in all three areas. In the March issue of Bay Crossings we’ll offer a special in-depth feature; these pictures are to whet your appetite. More... Journal, March 6, 2000"The poet’s challenge is to find something in culture that isn’t already defined as poetic and make it poetic." Robert Pinsky Miles of deserted concrete, acres of unoccupied housing, twelve feet tall anchor fence. Once a week I sail past this forlorn patch of neglect in the midst of a beautiful bay, blankets of white sails, and majestic bridges. More... Why not increase bridge tolls to reduce traffic congestion and finance transit?Imagine how much the quality of your life could improve if you could conveniently travel on a world-class transit system throughout the Bay Area. This world-class system would offer fast, convenient, comfortable, reliable and affordable service comparable to the best systems in the world. What would such a world-class transit system look like and how could we pay for it? More... Raise Bridge Tolls Now!Traffic problems first reared their ugly head in the year 1300. The first Papal Jubilee attracted such unexpectedly large crowds to Rome that Pope Boniface, horrified to see the city brought to a standstill, ordered up what are thought to be the first traffic rules in history. More... Bay JournalThese remarkable journal entries were submitted by Bay Crossings reader Bill Coolidge. A fuller version will appear in the Spring issue of Wildlife Journal More... Don Perata Speaks His MindYou were the legislative champion for the new San Francisco Bay Water Transit Authority (WTA). Now that the Agency is up and running, how does the "Ferry Godfather" think his creation is doing? More... Riders of the TidesRUMINATIONS ON THE DEATH OF A FERRY More... Bay Crossings MoneyFerry Rider Fringe Benefits More... Working WaterfrontChristie of Castro Street & More... A Growing Need for Effective Terminal AccessAs high-speed ferry service increases in popularity, the voyage on the ferry may continue to be wonderful, but the trip to and from the ferry terminal may be something else. The Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District’s Larkspur Landing ferry operation may be typical of the ground-based access problems faced by other Bay Area ferry systems. More... North Bay / DeltaNorth Bay Ready and Waiting for Ferry Service More... National Ferry Database ReleasedIn accordance with the Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century , a comprehensive inventory of existing ferry operations in the United States and its possessions has been developed by the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). This effort has produced a comprehensive, detailed and current set of data and information regarding ferry operators, routes, terminals and vessels that until now were unavailable, incomplete or insufficient. More... Bay Nature Set to LaunchAfter almost four years of planning, a group of experienced and passionate environmentalists are ready to launch the Bay Area’s first full-color natural history magazine, BAY NATURE. Its premier issue debuts in January. More... Sprawl: Soccer Moms’ Public Enemy #1I hate to drive. I’m also the mother of two young children, ages three and five. A few years ago, if you’d asked me what the former had to do with the latter, I’d probably have responded, grumpily, that I wasn’t looking forward to shuttling my kids to music lessons, soccer practice and friends’ houses five days a week. Only recently have I realized how inextricably connected driving and motherhood really are. And in the process, something personal — chauffeuring my kids around town — has become something political: understanding the deleterious effects of an automobile centered society on women, children and the institutions that sustain them. More... Port of San Francisco signs 10-Year Lease With BaydeltaThe San Francisco Port Commission unanimously approved a 10-year lease agreement with Baydelta Maritime Inc., located at Pier 15. Baydelta Maritime currently operates a modem fleet of five tugboats that provide ship assistance, tanker escorts and other harbor services in San Francisco Bay. More... |