ArchivesJanuary 2002 ![]() There has never been a better time to check out downtown San Francisco. The new F line connects with the cable car, affording a great way to start from the Ferry Building, meander over Russian Hill on your way to Fishermen’s Wharf, and return to the Ferry Building. And with San Francisco’s tourism industry in sore need of business it’s downright patriotic to have a good time. Celebrity food writer and walking tour impresario Graceann Walden lays it out for you. More... Letters to the EditorHornet Does too Have AC Transit Service More... Ferries, Long Taken for Granted, are Now in TroubleWhat do over 50,000 workers, every major cultural institution, and San Francisco’s municipal budget have in common? The answer is that all rely on tourism to pay the bills. The September 11 terrorists attacks, which knocked the legs out from under San Francisco’s tourism industry, presents this important industry with its greatest crisis ever. The Bay Area, happy enough to reap the financial rewards of tourism in good times, has done inexcusably little to help tourism in its time of need. This shortsighted and ungrateful response may have profound implications, especially for ferries. More... Commuter Check Now Save Transit/Vanpool Riders Up To $480There is increased transit savings in store for 2002! Due to changes in federal law taking effect January 1, 2002, commuters can now save up to $480 annually through Commuter Check. Employers save more on payroll taxes as well—up to $120 per employee. More... ![]() Miss Darlene leads the procession of shrimp boats up Taylor’s Creek as the cloud laden peach orb settles behind the old clapboard buildings of Duke Marine Lab. Small splashes kick right and left as I paddle my blue kayak toward town. The Relics, a rock and roll band from Raleigh, are playing at the Dockhouse. I can hear the refrain,‘What’s going on,’ drift downstream even on this night passage, surrounded by water and islands of sanctuary, so much of my thoughts veer back to September 11. ‘What’s going on?’ More... Port Of Oakland Commissioners Approve Ordinance To Sell Certain Jack London Square Assets To Jack London Square PartnersThe Port of Oakland Board of Port Commissioners voted 6-1 to approve an ordinance authorizing the sale of certain improvements located at Jack London Square to Jack London Square Partners (Ellis Partners and James Falaschi - Jack London Square Phase II Master Developer). More... Port Of Oakland Appoints Assistant To Executive DirectorThe Port of Oakland’s Board of Port Commissioners appointed Dan Westerlin as Special Assistant to Executive Director Tay Yoshitani. More... ![]() Conservationists and Commuters Speak Out on Ferry Expansion More... ![]() Head of the Golden Gate Ferry Tells of Father’s Quest to be World’s Oldest Circumnavigator More... ![]() A Million Dollar Tour of San Francisco for $6 More... ![]() Your relatives back East are coming to San Francisco. They’re still not sure why you migrated to California and want some convincing answers. You’ve got to show the Bay Area at its best. And there’s the clue… the Bay itself… that magnificent body of water that unifies this scenically spectacular region. More... ![]() Faithful readers of Bay Crossings may recall when we last visited with Dylan Berry, the fellow in charge of the renovations currently underway at San Francisco’s historic Ferry Building. We thought it was time to check in with Dylan to see how things are going. It’s especially fitting given we’ve introduced our new logo for Bay Crossings this month, one that proudly features the Ferry Building, past and future, keystone of the San Francisco Bay waterfront. More... Embarcadero Center Sweats Out Details For Total Wellness FairEmbarcadero Center is launching its inaugural Total WellnessFair on Thursday, January 24 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Designed to educate the local community about health and wellness issues, this public health fair will feature health screenings, a collection of health and wellness booths, keynote speaker Joanie Greggains ofKGO Radio, Club One fitness demonstrations and Speedo fashion show. The Total Wellness Fair will be held at Embarcadero Center’s Old Federal Reserve Banking Hall, located at 301 Battery Street. More... ![]() Jack London Square has never quite lived up to expectations. Your company has been chosen by the Port of Oakland to take it over. Why do you think people haven’t gone for it? More... ![]() Aerial photography combines two lifelong passions, photography and flying. I learned to fly at Oakland Airport in 1964 and started studying photography at San Francisco State in 1965. In 1968, I started shooting from the air and I’ve been doing it ever since. I pursued both careers. I ended up being an airline pilot for various small airlines and then when they’d get gobbled up or fold or whatever, I’d go back to being a photographer. In 1979, I just decided to be a photographer full time. More... A Guide to San Francisco Bay Ferries (and what to do when you get there)A San Francisco Bay ferryboat ride is a sublime experience of the first order. Figuring out which one to take can be a bit daunting because there are many ferry companies and no centralized schedule. But with the tiniest bit of planning it’s possible for anyone, visitors and Bay Area residents alike, to quite easily experience the romance and unspeakable beauty of a short cruise on the Bay. And it costs surprisingly little. The commuter ferries present an especially attractive deal. Here’s the basic skinny on what’s available: More... |