ArchivesDecember 2010 Around the bay in December 2010The 34th Annual Lighted Yacht Parade along the waterfront of the Oakland/Alameda Estuary will take place Saturday, December 4. More... ![]() The multi-faceted Dutra organization, now over a century old, provides rock for California’s vital Delta levees and aggregates for construction projects throughout the greater San Francisco Bay and Delta regions. More... ![]() Every year, I’m saying the same thing right about now: “Where did the time go?” Hours seem like minutes, months seem like weeks and years seem like months. More... SF Bicycle Coalition Aims to ‘Light Up the Night’With the end of daylight savings time, the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) and the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) began teaming up to distribute 2,400 front white and rear red blinking lights. More... ![]() Take a trip on the Bay with your friends and family in December for a special discounted price courtesy of Vallejo’s Baylink ferry. More... ![]() Visit Jack London Square for a festive evening as they kick off the holiday season on Friday, December 3 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. More... ![]() Scheduled at the Fromm Institute during its winter 2011 session is a preparatory course on the San Francisco Opera’s upcoming Ring Cycle—consider paying the tuition for the opera-loving senior in the family. More... ![]() Thanks to a complete overhaul of the food and gift concession program at Muir Woods National Monument by park management, working in partnership with the Institute at the Golden Gate (IGG), Muir Woods now offers to its guests the healthiest and most sustainable food in the entire national park system. More... ![]() While its movements will not result in the next chart-topping and head-banging hit, the new shovelnose guitarfish (Rhinobatos productus) at San Francisco’s Aquarium of the Bay—with its guitar-shaped body—wins the award of underwater rock star. More... Protect Your Watershed This Holiday SeasonAs families around the Bay Area plan for holiday meals in celebration of the season, they look forward to enjoying rich foods like roasted turkey, buttery potatoes and homemade gravy. More... ![]() The Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) is taking a page from Ralph Waldo Emerson, who famously said, “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.” More... ![]() It was a dark and stormy morning, but we stuck to our plan. Because of restricted access, we had organized our trip several weeks in advance and a little rain wasn’t going to interfere. More... WATERFRONT ACTIVITIES DECEMBER 2010This two-hour skippered charter is designed to provide folks who are considering getting into sailing with a real glimpse of the sport, our club and our people. Cost is $40. More... ![]() The mega-yacht Blue Moon recently completed its two-year maintenance dry-docking at Bay Ship & Yacht’s shipyard in Alameda. More... New Law Requires Human-Rights Disclosures for Consumer GoodsAs one of his final acts in office, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a new law to provide more transparency in the global supply chain for California consumers. More... ![]() Holiday Lights & Sights Boat Parade on Friday, December 17 is the largest lighted holiday boat parade in the Bay Area featuring more than 100 boats decked out with lights and holiday decorations. The parade will include members of the St. Francis Yacht Club, Fisherman’s Wharf Fishing Fleet, Golden Gate Yacht Club, PIER 39 Marina, and the Sea Scouts. For more information on this and other Bay Area lighted boat parades, see our Around the Bay section on page 22. Photo by Photo by Maggie Hallahan. More... |