
August 2001

On Our Cover

Cosmo girls, watch out! More...

Letters to the Editor

Viva Vallejo! More...

Cover Story My Richmond

Jim Mallory was a Richmond ferry rider More...

Working Waterfront In their own words

Retired Waterfront Stateswoman More...

Bay Crossings Bay Environment

Anchor Outs on Richardson Bay—Fair or Foul? More...

Bay Crossings Journal

An Invisible Web, Crossings, Trusting More...

Bay Crossings Bus Rider’s Journal

Waiting for the Bus More...

Bay Crossings Cuisine Quinn’s Boogaloo Jumping Prawns

Unique robust flavor combination of prawns and gourmet sausage. More...

Richmond Greenway Receives $1.9 Million Capitol Funding Grant

The Metropolitan Transportation Commission recently announced recommendation of $1.9 million in Transportation for Livable Communities (TLC) funding to construct a trail and greenway on 2.5 miles of abandoned Santa Fe Railroad right-of-way. The trail project, sponsored by the City of Richmond, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, and the Community Youth Council for Leadership and Education (CYCLE) will create a link to local and regional parks and trails, schools, Richmond BART/Amtrak station, downtown shopping and newly proposed residential and commercial developments, including a new affordable housing development. More...

The Alcatraz Centurions

I went to the library to look up the exact meaning of the word "centurion." A centurion was the commander of 100 soldiers in a Roman legion, and there were 60 centurions to a 6,000-man legion. The highest post for a centurion was primus pilus, the leader of the first cohort of the legion. A Roman soldier, coming from the ranks of the plebeians, the common people, had to be very special and work hard to earn the rank of centurion. His characteristics were toughness, reliability, stamina and courage. More...

Barging In

A Short History of Liveaboards on the Bay More...

North Bay

A Regional Plan Is the Best Plan for Ferry Service More...

M.V. Mendocino Joins Golden Gate Fleet

Golden Gate Ferry made it official Friday, July 20 in Fort Bragg. With the christening of the M.V. Mendocino there’s a new member of the family. Golden Gate Ferry names its vessels after the counties that make up its governing board; smart politics and a good excuse to spend a beautiful afternoon at Port Noyo. More...

East Bay

A Picaresque History of the Port of Oakland The Machinations Continue More...

Breaking The Speed Envelope For Passenger Ferries

How fast is fast enough for crowded Bay Area waterways? More...

Bay Crossings Reader of the Month

Bay Crossings Reader of the Month More...

Mary Frances Culnane Manager, Marine Engineering Bay Area Water Transit Authority

Why did you join the staff at the WTA? More...



San Francisco Ferry Terminal Project Update

Work began on the first phase of the San Francisco Ferry Terminal Project in February 2000. This phase is still ongoing and involves constructing new and improved ferry terminal facilities and public access promenades on the north and south areas surrounding the historic Ferry Building. As part of the overall project, new facilities for commuter ferry service will be constructed with new covered, accessible landing facilities, granite portal structuresrailings and amenities, attractive stonework and colored paving at the portal areas, and a protective breakwater south of the south ferry terminal basin area. More...

Sausalito Working Waterfront Business

Kevin Johnson General Manager, Casa Madrona Hotel & Mikayla Restaurant More...